Gone in a Puff

A mighty dragon, a young man, and a world-spanning empire.


Where do our myths originate from? They come from our ancestors. Sometimes, our myths are conjured to answer questions we cannot answer any other way. Small tales started around a fire-pit to entertain or teach, lessons about morality and culture, or even just to pass the time. What if a myth has no discernible origin? How do you classify it, catalog it, understand it?

There is a story about a young boy and his faithful dragon. A delightful song, primarily for children. At least these things exist in our world. This story and this song are, of course, untrue but they are not untrue in the fashion you might expect. Come sit by me near the fire. I am old and my bones ache from the cold. Now, let me tell you from whence this story of man and dragon came.